Warm all round, happy all round
For many people who own a flat or house, the hobby room is their second home. It is where you carry out fiddly repairs, indulge in absorbing hobbies or hold parties – depending on how you have furnished it. As it is rare to install a permanent, effective heating system in a building’s basement, you need to add something to ensure that you are nice and comfortable there during your leisure time.
Trotec’s TIH 630 Infrared Heating Panel is very flat, so it takes up little space. Thanks to the waves of heat, the temperature generated is distributed homogeneously, and there will be no more complaining about electrical heaters’ “warm head, cold feet” effect. Heating with infrared? That’s smart!
Concentration at the push of a button
Report writing, tax papers, project management, doing calculations. Whatever there is to be done in your home office, you do it with care. And if you are to be able to concentrate properly when working within your own four walls or, indeed, in your normal office, you need to feel comfortable. In the summer, stuffy heat will tire you, and you will quickly lose the ability to concentrate.
But if you are smart with your office setup, you will be able to work effectively. And a PAC air handling unit will help you. For it will guarantee pleasant temperatures and ideal humidity around the clock.
The best thing for your best friend
A household pet is your best friend. And just as you aim to give it a balanced diet, you also want your cat to live a healthy life. Fresh water every day is part of this. Cats particularly like running water. Because there is a primitive instinct which tells animals that running water is clean. So give your kitty just such a treat every day – with a drinking fountain. The water stays fresh and clean for weeks and months if you add a Trotec SecoSan stick.
We will come and help you anywhere in Europe within 24 hours!
Trotec makes innovative machines and equipment for air conditioning, heating, air treatment, ventilation and measuring. TKL hires this equipment to customers whose need is merely temporary. But what about when major climatic events, such as flooding and the extensive water damage which accompanies this, necessitate the use of large quantities of equipment? As of now, TKL has a revolutionary solution for such cases.
Breathe easily
Not everybody finds it pleasant when Mother Nature wakes up after the cold winter months. As the trees, shrubs and grass start to flower, so begins an ordeal for many allergy sufferers. Eyes smart, and mucous membranes are irritated.
Some people complain of sneezing and a continuous runny nose, and they find it hard to breathe. Anyone wishing to protect themselves from airborne pollen within their own four walls, so that they can breathe easily and use the night hours to recover, really needs to have the right equipment at home. And Trotec’s AirgoClean 105 S Comfort Air Cleaner is the ideal solution.
Hygienically fresh, hygienically clean
Strict hygiene is the cardinal rule in the meat processing industry, whether processing fresh meats or producing cold meats. Usually, however, it is not the strict hygiene regulations which make things difficult for the producers. Too much air humidity in the cool areas can cause major problems: germs can form, odours develop, corrosion can appear and production can even be halted. You can play it safe by deploying one of Trotec’s TTR series industrial dryers. These high-performance air dehumidifiers can provide clean, safe production and hygiene conditions for your operation.
Bring on the garden party
Having tents and gazebos is a huge benefit – they are always flexible. If you spontaneously choose to take off for the weekend, you have always got a roof over your head. And if you invite friends over to your garden in the spring or summer, a gazebo will always provide a sheltered area if it gets chilly in the evening or when rain clouds appear.
But being flexible means, in turn, taking good care of these temporary ceilings and walls. Once they have been cleaned – ideally with a high-pressure cleaner – tents and gazebos should be dried and carefully folded. When storing them in a basement or shed, use a dehumidifier to prevent mould and mildew from forming. The TTK-E-S series Compact Dehumidifiers from Trotec provide ideal protection for stored tents.