After the coldest February on record and a weekend of flood warnings and torrential rains the weather is slowly improving again. But the storm leaves a trail of destruction in its wake. Many homes have been without electricity and many houses have been flooded and still battling against high water. It is now up to the residents to remove the chaos.
Losing your property – or worse still a loved one – to the floods is a horrific scenario and a tragedy which has sadly become real for a large number of people across the UK. The road back to normality is a long one and there is so much that has to be done. But although time is a great healer the wounds the storms and flooding inflicted remain as scars.
If your home has been hit by heavy rain, if your construction site is totally bogged down and if heavy machines are needed to fight the wet, then you have to act quickly.
We would like to show you several useful appliances that can be used to deal with the mess and the chaos so that everything can get back to normal soon. Dehumidifiers, industrial fans, heating units or appliances for drying out insulating layers are needed the most of all now.
We have collected some links which provide the help you need in matters of excess moisture. You can either buy powerful building dryers or rent them, but you should use them in any event if humidity is spreading!
You can purchase heavy appliances and hand-held measuring tools at TROTEC:
Compact dehumidifiers and heavy building dryers for sale.
Mobile electric heaters and indirect fired oil heating units.
Industrial fans and carpet dryers to support the drying out of buildings.
User-friendly moisture meters for air, building and wood humidity.
There’s also the possibility of renting the appliances at the European dispatcher TKL:
See building dryers, moisture meters and lots of more equipment at a glance.