Entire removal of odour nuisance

Not only after major incidents like fire damages odour nuisance is a consequential loss. Even after small water damages a mouldy odour can disturb your interior climate and also be harmful for your health. There can be an odour nuisance because of dead gnawers or small birds in openings of your house or flat they couldn’t leave. And also reorganisation measures  – paint, glue and varnish – up to a typically smell of new buildings can cause an odour nuisance which has to be removed very fast.

Plasma field ionizer AirgoPro 8
Plasma field ionizer AirgoPro8

One possibility to get rid of the odour is to change the air in a room regularly. If this method doesn’t work most people try to fight the odour with different flavours. So-called aerosols enclose the odour molecule and it doesn’t „smell“ anymore. But if the substance is used up the odour nuisance comes back.

A known alternative available on the market are odour neutralisers. They don’t enclose the odour with other scenting agents, but they break it down chemically – so the odour is simply gone.

In this case ozone generators or plasma field ionizers are used in practice. Depending on the type of odour one of the applications is chosen in each case to “neutralise” it.

How do odour neutralisers work?

Ozone generator Airozone Supercracker
Ozone generator Airozon Supercracker

Ozone generators subject sucked in air to a so-called corona discharge. That means that atomic oxygen is produced continuously, a free radical which leads to the generation of O3 – ozone. The radicals generated in the appliance accelerate the oxidative degeneration of airborne and stationary germs and contaminants (e.g. in floors, walls, ceilings) and lead to an odour neutralisation. Ozone is very harmful for your health and it is only allowed to use it in closed and sealed rooms and only authorized personnel is allowed to use it. This extremely reactive oxidising agent is almost only used for restructuring after fire damages.

The functioning principle of plasma field ionizers (pfi) [AirgoPro8] is comparable to that of ozone generators with the difference that they require a lower energy input. The air directed through the appliance is subjected to a corona discharge (ionisation). The fission products only formed within the fixed plasma are made of singulett oxygen and its modifications and atomic oxygen as a free radical. Due to the pfi principle oxygen (O2) is split into 2 x O1. The radical O1 tries to react with something immediately and splits the odour molecule. The odour is removed and not enclosed with scenting agents like those used at “Fogging”.

Not like ozone generators pfi appliances can even be operated in occupied rooms.

Air conditioning unit PAC 3500: Now having energy efficiency class A

Air conditioning unit PAC 3500
Air conditioning unit PAC 3500

Air conditioning units don’t have to be electricity gobblers. The best example is the mobile air conditioning unit PAC 3500 of our latest generation of devices. This monoblock device awarded energy efficiency class A. So the PAC 3500 has got a very high cooling capacity and a very low energy consumption.

But listen up…

The efficiency of a PAC 3500 can be increased by an AirLock 100, our latest product. It’s a window seal with a gap where the exhaust hose has to be put. So the window is sealed and hot air and insects have to stay outside.

More information on the mobile air conditioning unit PAC 3500

New infrared cameras available in the IC-series

Infrared cameras of the IC-series have been extended by the V-series and the LV-series. Now the IC-series is one of the most extensive solutions in the sector infrared cameras.IC-infrared camera

In contrast to standard devices infrared cameras of the V-series (IC080V, IC120V) are equipped with an additional real image camera, a photo lamp and DuoVision which allows an overlapping of both infrared and real image.

Models of the LV-series (IC080LV, IC120LV) extend the beneficial V-series equipped with an 384 x 288 infrared sensor with 110.592 temperature measuring points. Another special feature is the geometric resolution of 1.3 mrad.

Get more information about infrared cameras of the V-series and LV-series

Air conditioning units special savings offer

Look out bargain hunters!
You do not only buy an air conditioner at TROTEC, you also buy top brand quality for a
low price.

Your savings with us: €49,90. Order now the air conditioner bundle, consisting of the air conditioner PAC 3500, the window seal AirLock and the energy cost meter EKM3650 directly at our online-shop.

The air conditioner PAC 3500 has energy efficiency class A so you save more money and power. Air conditioning is our core business and you can benefit from our long lasting experience. Premium quality doesn’t have to be expensive. At Trotec you don’t buy air conditioners for only one season.

Start preparing for a hot summer. You know how hot and sticky offices and flats can get on a hot day in summer. Your performance drops massively. With an air conditioner from Trotec you can immediately enjoy a breath of fresh air.

Air conditioning units special savings offer

The air conditioner bundle consists of:

  • mobile air conditioning unit PAC 3500 with energy efficiency class A and 3,5 kW cooling capacity
  • the german MOT-tested energy cost meter EKM 3650 for fast energy cost measuring
  • the window seal „AirLock“ so that heat and insects must stay out

Helpful links to the topic air conditioning units:

Find the right air conditioner for your requirements -> Go directly to capacity calculation

You can rent this air conditioning unit for a low price at TKL

Air conditioners for professional use

Air conditioning units vs. air coolers

An air conditioning unit or an air cooler? This question is very important for a lot of customers if they are going to buy an air conditioning unit. That’s why we are going to explain the main differences between both devices and why Trotec doesn’t produce air coolers.

Round 1: Complexity.
Air coolers are equipped with a tank. This tank is filled with cool water. Some devices even use ice cubes. That implies a great effort because you have to fill the tank yourself over and over!

The monoblock – air conditioning unit PAC 3500 uses just like the split – air conditioning unit PAC 4400 an environmentally friendly refrigerant. This refrigerant is included in the scope of supply and doesn’t have to be refilled!
Result: That’s one for the air conditioning units.

Round 2: Humidity.

An air cooler directs sucked in ambient air via a filter or another splitter directly to the fans so that the air gets back into the room. The problem is that the air is being enriched with water you filled in before. So the ambient air will get wet and sticky very fast.

PAC 4400Air conditioning units like the PAC 3500 and PAC 4400 suck in the ambient air, filter and dehumidify it and lead it back into the room. The result is that the room temperature is reduced verifiable and the air is clean, filtered and dehumidified. A very well pleasure on hot and sticky days. Real air conditioning is dehumidifying, too. Even if PAC – air conditioning units aren’t able to cool a whole floor because of its ambient air circulation the climate in nearby rooms can be improved appreciably. Through open doors the dehumidified air can get into nearby rooms. Drier hot air is much more pleasant and passable than wet and sticky heat. So the whole floor or flat has got a pleasant climate.
Result: That’s one for the air conditioning units again.

Round 3: Cooling.

Basically an air cooler is just a fan fed with ice cubes. A fan first seems to cool a room, too, but a fan only moves hot air. If an air cooler would effectively cool the ambient air, hot air would be lead away. But an air cooler isn’t equipped with such a feature! No device needs to lead away hot air if it isn’t simply able to cool it.

The air conditioning units PAC 3500 and PAC 4400 lead away hot air verifiable. A monoblock – air conditioning unit via an exhaust hose which leads through a window out of the room and a split – air conditioning unit via an external heat exchanger.

Result: Finally the air conditioning unit is the winner and the air cooler loses.

Trust in the winner of the Trotec cooling competition.

Detailed information about air conditioning units from Trotec…

Buy an air conditioning unit like the PAC 3500 or 4400 online now…

IQAir air purifiers – established quality also for allergy sufferers

Air purifier iQAir GC-MultigasSince 10 years now the air purifiers of the IQAir series prove their use and effectivity.

Confirmed by a leading German consumer safety group called “Stiftung Warentest” with the test result “good” and the use in clinical areas in Hong Kong during the fight against the virus SARS IQAir air purifiers showed their excellent filtration, certified quality and advanced filter technology.

Even at home or in offices IQAir devices are a worth doing investment because researches prove that the air in living areas and offices is about 100 times more polluted than the outer air.

Especially allergy sufferers benefit from the air purification power of these devices. Pollen are filtered reliably and affected people can now sigh. Even asthmatics who are prone for pollutants in the air will be convinced fast by IQAir air purifiers. Clean air for a healthy life.

It doesn’t matter if they are used in facilities for data storage, surgeries, lock areas or laboratories, the IQAir air purifiers offer compact and powerful solutions equipped with the technical know-how of the Trotec company.

“Floating” work tent used at pit works

TROTEC work tent used for cable layings

Work tent at cable layings
Work tent at cable layings

This is a short article about the practical use of our work tents.
In Heinsberg the work tent 180×250 KE was used for cable layings. But there was a problem: the hole was larger than the work tent. Nevertheless the work tent could be fixed safe by means of nylon ropes. Therefore the back of the work tent was placed on the edge of the hole. The work tent didn’t have any other contact to the ground and so it was floating.

Safe fixing of a work tent
Safe fixing of a work tent

Easy access to the cables was possible because of this advantage and all cables could be reached for necessary works.

Due to the many possibilities for fixing the work tent it is flexibly usable.

Thermometer for measurement without coming into contact with a body’s surface

As of recently there’s a new infrared thermometer available at the TROTEC-shop. With the thermometer Temptection BodyPlus skin temperature and the temperature of other surfaces can be determined without actually coming into contact with the body’s surface.

Contact-free measuring is very hygienically because there’s no direct contact with the body’s surface. Conventional thermometers have to be disinfected after every usage to avoid an infection. With the Temptection BodyPlus large numbers of people can be checked fast.

So the thermometer is ideal for use in doctor’s surgeries, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other places of action.

Even parents should be interested in the thermometer because they can measure their children’s temperature easily while they are sleeping. The temperature of baby food like milk or porridge can be measured fast and easy-going.

Benefits in practice with a thermometer Temptection BodyPlus:Temptection-BodyPlus

  • contact-free measuring at a distance of 5 to 15 cm
  • determines body temperatures from 30 to 42.5°C
  • determines surface temperatures from 0 to 60°C
  • backlit LCD
  • alarm function
  • easy to handle

Evergreen – measuring of residual moisture in screeds

The topic humidity measuring in screeds remains an evergreen. In circles of experts and even in the specialised press people don’t stop discussing and reporting about this issue.
The iba-institution Koblenz under administration of the diploma engineer (senior technical college) Hans-Joachim Rolof started a survey concerning this topic.

“Which method is actually used? Who measures electrically, who measures the CM-%? Which is the generally accepted measuring method?”

humidity measurements People had been interviewed who are concerned with the determination of residual moisture in screeds. Including 30% of representatives of the adhesives industry and flooring industry; 23% experts; 16% floor layers; 9% screed layers; 7% architects / site managers; 5% manufactures of measuring instruments and 10% others.

Concerning the question „how to measure“ the attendees answered:

Electrical moisture measurement (only): 14%
CM-method (only): 21%
Electrical moisture measurement and CM-method: 65%
Darr analysis: 19%
Microwave analysis: 2%

Note: Additionally to the electrical method and the CM-method namings of alternative methods (Darr analysis etc.) have been allowed. Especially experts measure moisture in building material on-site and in laboratories so that more than 100% of namings result.

The survey pointed out clearly that ¾ of those polled using both measure methods, the electrical moisture measurement and the CM-method (65% of the attendees), use the electrical moisture measurement as intermediate examination to determine a checkpoint for the Cm-method.

About 2/3 of those polled made good experiences with the CM-method, but about a half of them is satisfied with the electrical method.

In fact the combination of both methods is best to define moisture in screeds. With the electrical measuring instruments you can control how screed desiccates und the user needn’t conduct the complex CM-method at his visits at the construction sites. Finally if the metered values on the screen of the electronic moisture measuring instrument don’t change he although has to conduct the CM-method – there’s still no other way to handle it.

Immediate measures – protection packages against the swine influenza

Air purifier Set-Cleanroom250MGThe swine influenza is on the march across the globe. The WHO (world health organisation) reently declared the highest alert.

At the moment there is no vaccine available for humans against H1N1. Currently the most effective protection is the neutralisation of the influenza A virus.

Therefore TROTEC offers three exclusive air purifier protection packages for prevention against the pig flu:

  • Air purifier HealthPro 150 plus the
    fever thermometer Temptection BodyPlus
  • Air purifier HealthPro 250 plus the
    fever thermometer Temptection BodyPlus
  • Air purifier Cleanroom 250 MG plus the
    fever thermometer Temptection BodyPlus