Comfort dehumidifier TTK 95 E – with the successful formula for competent dehumidification in large living and office spaces: 90 m² or 230 m³ = 30 l/ 24h!

In the currant transitional period, the spring humidity tends to settle in the house, apartment and office. This is because, on the one hand, the increased humidity from outside is drawn into the rooms through the windows that have been opened for ventilation. On the other hand, the humidity that is produced in the bathroom and during cooking can no longer be easily discarded through ventilation. As a result, the moisture settles in furniture, carpets and wallpaper, thus increasing the risk of mould. The comfort dehumidifier TTK 95 E, which is finally available again, stops this risk, especially for large rooms, because it condenses up to 30 litres of moisture from the room air every day.

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NEW submerged clear water pump TWP 4006 E: shallow suction pump with a maximum of 7,300 l/h for wipe-dry results – with adjustable suction height

With the TWP 4006 E, you are ideally equipped for almost all irrigation and drainage tasks in the house, garden and in business. As a flexible helper, the universally applicable submerged clear water pump with its high flow rate is suitable for pumping out and transferring only the slightly dirty clear water from swimming pools, fountains, rain barrels, cisterns or rainwater tanks. The shallow suction submersible pressure pump can also be used to dry out basements and washrooms that have overflowed due to heavy rain, washing machine leaks or groundwater to a virtually wipe-dry condition.

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NEW wall-mounted air conditioner PAC-W 2600 SH: monoblock 4-in-1 air conditioner without outdoor unit – cools, heats, ventilates and dehumidifies

Simply flying off on summer holidays is likely to be difficult this year of the corona virus too. As an alternative, we’re making ourselves as comfortable as possible at home – and with the new wall-mounted air conditioner PAC-W 2600 SH, we’re answering the hot summer question: ‘Are you still sweating or are you already alive?’ Because with this powerful wall-mounted unit for fixed installation, staying in living rooms and bedrooms becomes bearable even at tropical outside temperatures. And best of all: without the otherwise usual unsightly outdoor unit and without an exhaust hose. Even better: the device combines four climate functions at once, which saves you buying several separate units!

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Trotec practical knowledge – Tips for a better indoor climate 7/7

Sophisticated plants are every ambitious interior decorator’s insider tip as they make flats and houses look more ‘furnished’ and much cosier. And experts know that green indoor plants not only have a decorative effect, but also have a positive influence on the indoor climate. Because they not only provide oxygen and humidification, but are also natural air purifiers that can even bind pollutants. In return, they only require water and sufficient light, which you can easily check with the Luxmeter BF06 from Trotec. In the last part of our practical knowledge series, you will learn how we can benefit from the great properties of the plant world for a better indoor climate.

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NEW Electronic Pressure Switch TDP DSA: automatic control with dry-run protection for garden and water pumps including mains plug – finally available

With the electronic pressure switch TDP DSA from Trotec, you benefit from convenient and reliable water pressure regulation – without having to switch your pump on and off manually every time. Simply install the compact pressure switch between the pump and the water tap or garden hose. In the future, you will only have to turn the tap or garden hose on and off. Perfect, for example, for watering gardens with a hose and Micro-Drip system, for pumping water from wells and ponds or for converting your pump into a domestic waterworks.

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NEW high-performance air purifier AirgoClean® 350 E: the strongest in its class for up to 120 m² – with double effective HEPA filter protection against viruses, bacteria and fine dust

Clean air in your own four walls is just as important for you and your family as unpolluted air in the office is for you and your colleagues. However, allergens, bacteria, viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and the influenza virus, mould spores, dust mites and dreadful fine dust contaminate all indoor air – and therefore prevent you from breathing freely. So protect yourself and your loved ones with HEPA-filtered air: The air purifier AirgoClean® 350 E automatically removes all contaminants – 99.97% of ultra-fine particles measuring as small as 0,3 µm. Fully automatically thanks to the latest ‘Air Quality Sensors’.

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Trotec practical knowledge – Tips for a better indoor climate 6/7

“Woahh, the air is thick in here!” Most of us will have heard this exclamation at some point – or exclaim it ourselves from time to time. For example, because of the smell of cooked food that lingers in our flats for hours despite leaving the windows open. Or because of chemicals evaporating, or the musty smell of mould. While most odours do not usually cause health problems, they can cause nausea. That’s why, in this practical knowledge series, we will give you the necessary tips to help you remove those pesky stinkers from your house and flat.

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Trotec practical knowledge – Tips for a better indoor climate 5/7

Did you know that mould forms carcinogenic toxins and has long been identified as the cause of serious allergies? An insidious enemy, then, of whose existence within their own four walls many of those affected have no idea. Because mould often nests secretly without revealing itself immediately. In the early stages, for example it hardly smells and prefers to hide behind cupboards. This is why the search for the unwanted lodger does not begin until after the initial health issues have begun.

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Infrared Radiant Heater IR 2570 S: turns your terrace into a warm oasis of well-being even on cool spring days – available again

Just hold on a little longer, then we can finally meet again outdoors or on our terraces for Sunday brunch or for a beer or two after work. You are prepared, aren’t you? In terms of terraces, I mean: swept clean? Okay! Lights checked? Okay! Heat source up and running? Oh, still working on that? Since last season? Okaaay, then have a look here – a quick shortcut and super cheap too: the IR 2570 S Infra-red Radiant Heater, which is finally available again, guarantees you and your guests a wonderfully warm spot. And don’t spend too much time just thinking about it. But decide to buy it now!

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Trotec practical knowledge: Tips for a better indoor climate 4/7 – How to prevent excessive indoor humidity

In the last part of our Trotec practical knowledge series we discussed the dangers of very low air humidity. But the opposite, very high humidity with values above 60 percent also poses considerable health risks. Because if too much humid air circulates in the apartment, the basic requirement for strong growth of health-threatening mould is fulfilled. Hidden in the farthest corner or behind cupboards, mould soon takes on a lively life of its own. But where does the excess moisture actually come from? And what is the most elegant way to get rid of the excess?

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