Coronavirus “floats” in the air: How you can reduce the risk of infection in the office thanks to professional humidification

Restrictions are loosening. Offices are also getting fuller with workers returning after working from home. However, if you rely solely on distancing regulations and masks to contain the corona virus, there is a high risk of infection. It is especially in closed office rooms with low humidity that the risk of infection lurks in the form of so-called aerosol particles, i.e. tiny exhaled infectious floating particles. This is why physicist Roland Netz from the Berlin Freie Universität recommends professional humidification. This means the droplets cannot shrink so quickly and tend to sink to the ground as heavier droplets.

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Coronavirus ‘floats’ in the air: Thanks to professional humidification, the risk of infection in public institutions can be reduced

Town halls, retirement homes, libraries and museums are gradually returning to normal. But the virus is still around, and anyone who relies solely on distancing rules and wearing masks to ward off infection face a high risk of infecting themselves and others.  Especially in closed office rooms with low humidity, the risk of infection lurks in the form of so-called aerosol particles, i.e. tiny infectious floating particles that are exhaled. That is why physicist Roland Netz from Berlin’s Freie Universität recommends professional air humidification. In this way, the droplets cannot shrink as quickly and are more likely to sink to the ground as heavier droplets.

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PAE 11 air cooler: all-year-round 3-in-1 solution with air cooler, fan and humidifier – finally available!

Well, that was close! To carry on even a few days longer without the new PAE 11 air cooler would have been tough for some of you. But now the sleekly designed 3-in-1 evaporation air cooler is ready for delivery – and for pick-up. A glance at the thermometer confirms: Just in time! The air cooler will soon refresh you with a cool breeze or help you humidify air that is too dry at the touch of a button. Only one requirement: You of course have to reserve a device in time- “Order, ORDER, please!”

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NEW PAC 3800 S air conditioning unit – powerful cooling, refreshing ventilation, pleasant dehumidifying

The last few days have given us a little warm-up, so to speak, a fitting preview for what lies ahead in the coming weeks: namely heat, and sticky, humid, unmoving air. That means high noon around the clock, with endless sweating to boot. Before we reach that point, you still have time to take a look at our new 3-in-1 PAC 3800 S air conditioning unit: with powerful cooling, refreshing ventilation and pleasant air dehumidifying in just one unit. But – there’s not much time left!

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NEW PAE 22 design air cooler: cool-headed resistance against meteorologists’ shock prognosis “2020 – record heat across Europe!”

“2020 could be the warmest year on record, with temperatures consistently above 40 degrees.” But at least we can put up a spirited defence against the heat of this ‘shock prediction’ made in the last few days by trusted meteorologists, at home or in the office. The PAE 22 design air cooler, now available at last, drives the stuffy, hot air out of your rooms using natural evaporation cooling. In addition to cooling, this all-rounder can also be used for ventilation and air humidifying!

Read More opening its Munich store with innovative corona protection from Trotec: TAC V+

It’s been in the air for a while! ´The Robert Koch Institute has now also confirmed that the coronavirus spreads via the air in a room[1]. In order to reduce this risk of infection, PC retailer,, is using more stringent coronavirus protection measures in its reopened store in Munich, even measures that go beyond the legal requirements. Trotec’s new TAC V+ high-frequency air purifier is designed to protect customers from airborne infection by filtering infectious aerosols (tiny saliva particles) out of the air in the room. According to scientists and virologists, aerosols are one of the main sources of infection for the coronavirus. If, on the other hand, the air in the room is permanently and effectively “cleaned”, in short time intervals, the risk of infection via aerosols released when speaking or coughing is significantly reduced.

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Germany: parcel delivery company DPD temporarily suspends operations due to corona outbreak.

The Heinsberg district continues to keep the world in suspense! Parcel delivery company DPD has therefore had to close its parcel centre in Hückelhoven (in the Heinsberg district) due to a massive corona outbreak. As it stands, at least 42 of the total of 400 employees have been tested positive for the coronavirus. However, more than 200 test results are still pending, expected on Monday. In order to prevent a further spread in the district, the public health department is checking people that may have been in contact with those infected and all 400 employees are in quarantine.

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First DPD in Germany, now the postal service in Austria as well: two postal distribution centres closed due to corona outbreaks. Are postal and parcel centres corona hot spots?

Austria will not rest easy. After the holiday resort of Ischgl hit the headlines as a hot spot after a bar supposedly played a major role in spreading the virus throughout Europe, two mail distribution centres have now also been closed. In the Hagenbrunn distribution centre near Vienna, 68 of the 650 employees tested positive for the corona. At the Inzersdorf distribution centre, 70 employees are currently infected. According to the newspaper, a temporary employment agency is said to have brought infected employees to the distribution centres, but it has not yet been conclusively determined whether infected employees also delivered parcels and letters.

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Good news for libraries and book worms: Thanks to the new high-frequency air purifier from Trotec, safe browsing is even possible during the coronavirus pandemic

To reduce the risk of infection in libraries, Trotec has developed the new TAC V+ high-frequency air purifier. Infectious aerosols (tiny particles of saliva), which, according to the Robert Koch Institute, transmit the virus through the air in a room, are filtered out of the air by the TAC V+ by 99.995 %. According to scientists and virologists, aerosols are one of the main ways in which the coronavirus is spread. If the air in a room, however, is continuously and effectively “cleaned”, the risk of infection by aerosols released when we speak and cough to almost zero.

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The reason the Trotec air purifier TAC V+ has been developed right now: New study confirms the transmissibility of coronavirus through speaking

What Trotec has been warning everyone about for some time has now been proven by another scientific study: The SARS-CoV-2 virus is transmitted not only by coughing and sneezing, but also when speaking. A study published in the journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America“ (PNAS)” shows that aerosols (tiny saliva particles) ejected when speaking just one sentence float around in the room for a long time. This insight is not new. “A large proportion of corona infections are due to droplets and aerosols”.

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