Trotec of Heinsberg wants to help German hoteliers out of the crisis and push the capacity limits of 50 – 60 per cent

As of this week the first hotels are allowed to open again! However, distance rules and strict hygiene requirements apply to all hotels to protect employees and guests from infection. The fear of the coronavirus is so great that even after the reopening many beds as well as seminar and conference rooms will remain empty. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that regulations vary from state to state. Hotels in Hamburg are only allowed to rent out 60 per cent of their rooms. Lower Saxony “allows” just 50 per cent. These regulations are supplemented by rules on social distancing, compulsory masks and increased disinfection measures. Far from rosy prospects for the already troubled hotel and restaurant industry.

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Coronavirus floats in the air: Why restaurants should ensure sufficient air humidity

Restaurants reopening is now on the agenda. And that’s because this is exactly where a renewed risk of infection lurks, in the form of so-called aerosol particles, i.e. the smallest infectious airborne particles, explains physicist Roland Netz from the Freie Universität Berlin, advising professional humidification. This way, droplets are not able to shrink so quickly and heavier droplets tend to sink to the floor. And he also rightly says: “Also the mucous membranes will otherwise dry out and become more susceptible to viruses.” Even the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA Bundesverband) recommends the use of humidifiers in this context.

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NEW TVE 39 T tower fan with style, comfort and quality – the freshness tower is finally available again!

And it’s about time! Fan season is upon us and is the heat is gaining momentum every day. Now, thanks to the TVE T Design tower fan that is finally back in stock, you can get in on the action and take the lead, as the elegant black and white freshness tower easily outshines its competitors in terms of style, comfort and quality. And as for the technology itself, well, give it a try: Get involved and choose a powerful gust of wind, for example, from the total of 6 fan speeds… Are you convinced? Well that’s sorted then!

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Nurseries & Corona: Nurseries & Corona: Trotec develops corona protection for teachers and children in nurseries

In its most-recent Corona profile, the Robert Koch Institute has confirmed the dissemination of the virus via aerosols in the indoor air that we breathe[1]. To reduce this risk of infection in nurseries, Trotec has developed the innovative high-frequency TAC V+ air purifier to filter infectious aerosols (tiny saliva particles) from indoor air. According to scientists and virologists, aerosols are one of the main sources of infection with the coronavirus. If, on the other hand, the air in the room is constantly and effectively “washed”, the risk of infection via aerosols released when speaking or coughing is significantly reduced.

[1] Robert-Koch-Institut, SARS-CoV-2 Steckbrief zur Coronavirus-Krankheit (COVD-19), Last viewed: 15 May 2020

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NEW PAC 3500 S Air conditioning unit- cooling, ventilation, dehumidification – all in one device!

May often brings a brief spell of colder weather but, based on the experience of recent years, this is followed by a sharp rise in temperatures. Not an exponential rise, but a steep, in fact very steep rise. So before you find yourself up to your armpits in humid, hot, sticky air, you should consider effective countermeasures and take up the best recommendation we currently offer: our new PAC 3500 S Air conditioning unit cools, ventilates and dehumidifies the air – all in one device! And it will be available soon!

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TAC V+ for emergency makeshift hospitals: As spaces are being converted into hospitals for coronavirus patients, as with exhibition centres in Berlin, Trotec can supply highly efficient filter systems for mobile air purification

Berlin is preparing for emergencies! With a construction time of only four weeks, a hospital with space for 500 coronavirus patients and around 130 ventilators has been built virtually overnight on the site of the Berlin exhibition centre. An empty exhibition centre has been converted. An external wing made from containers serves as a respite area for the medical personnel, as the hospital is a hygiene-sensitive infection area and it understandably may only be entered by people wearing the appropriate protective clothing and masks. But it’s not only Berlin that is gearing up. In many places there are plans for auxiliary makeshift hospitals to be set up in sports halls, exhibition centres or other halls that are not in use to aid the response to a new wave of infections.

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Corona in the textile industry: How sewing factories and textile manufacturers can protect themselves against another shutdown due to sick employees

The world is at a standstill – and with it hundreds of thousands of sewing machines in Bangladesh, the second most important sourcing country after China for European fashion manufacturers. Textile companies around the world are struggling with corona-induced slumps in sales – and the hardest hit are the sewing factories in Bangladesh, whose orders are being suspended or cancelled.

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The slaughterhouse turns out to be a corona hot spot? Hardly surprising! Air-purifying technology developed in Heinsberg may be able to reduce the risk of infection and prevent closures!

The news that more than 100 Westfleisch employees have contracted the coronavirus in the midst of the current debate on relaxation has come at a very inconvenient time for politics and the economy! This case shows powerfully that the measures first imposed by regional and federal governments weeks ago are only partially effective. They are only effective if people keep a large enough “safe distance” between each other, in addition to all of these hygiene measures.

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Technology developed in Heinsberg during the crisis shows how university and company canteens can protect themselves better from Corona: TAC V+ air purification

The loosening of the corona lockdown measures is a done deal! In almost all federal states, office canteens and university canteens, which have been closed up to now, are preparing to reopen soon. But how can employees and students be protected against infection in the canteen? This question is currently preoccupying not only the states that are imposing strict hygiene requirements, but also universities and companies. No businessperson or university wants to risk their own canteen becoming a Corona hotspot and the press coverage that comes with it!

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New PAC 3000 X a+ Air conditioning unit – very economical and particularly eco-friendly thanks to its energy efficiency class A+

Whoever has so far steered clear of an air conditioning unit due to energy-efficient economic reasons, we are now offering the quickest way to “escape the sweltering heat” and “enjoy the cool breeze”. Because, thanks to its energy efficiency class A+, the new PAC 3000 X A+ Air conditioning unit saves 20% energy in comparison to similar air conditioning units of energy efficiency class A. And what’s more, this ground-breaking combination of state-of-the-art technology and low energy consumption also scores points for strong performance and great comfort.

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