The Trotec TAC V+ air purifier reliably filters infectious aerosol clouds from the air in the gym, thus reducing the risk of infection for employees and customers

The sports and fitness industry, which has been accustomed to growth for many years, has been particularly hard hit by the Corona pandemic, and the period after the officially ordered closure does not look particularly rosy either. High demands on hygiene regulations pose great challenges for the entire industry. Fear is spreading among customers and operators.

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Practical knowledge: This should be acknowledged when wearing a mouth and nose protector during sport

Physical fitness is important in the Corona era, as it seems that obesity and high blood pressure exacerbate the course of an illness in the event of an infection. So put your trainers on and go outside. This is fine with a mouth and nose protector if you know the important steps you must take. For example, how to deal with a moisture-saturated mask. Or how the mask should fit when doing sport. The easiest solution, by the way, is to opt for the disposable mouth and nose protective mask from Trotec – it always fits and is also a great fit in terms of quality, price and performance!

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NEW Air conditioner PAC 2610 S – provides cooling, ventilation and dehumidification for a cool holiday at home

The summer holidays are unlikely to happen this year! So let’s just stay at home for a change. It’s nice there too – and it would be even nicer if it wasn’t for the oppressively humid, hot and sticky air But that can be avoided – if you take precautions and take a closer look at our new air conditioner PAC 2610 S. With cooling, ventilation and dehumidification in one – and they can all be used independently. With target value input. Including further comfort functions. So this looks set to be the coolest home holiday ever!

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Air contamination: Dust particles in the placenta! Air purification: At home and at the office with AirgoClean 10 E!

The horror story of recent weeks has been that dust particles can travel from the lungs of pregnant women all the way to the placenta. This puts the health of the unborn child in danger. And also means pregnant employees are exposed to a risk two-fold: from exposure to dust in the workplace and to the ‘normal’ fine particulates that wait for them at home, as indoor air pollution can be up to five times higher than air pollution outdoors. An air purifier like the AirgoClean 10 E can be useful in both environments to easily eliminate contaminants.

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NEW design for the PAC 3810 S air conditioning unit combines comfortable cooling with a high-end look in silver

Every day the thermometer displays a higher temperature. Where exactly is it going to stop come high summer? You can sit it out in comfort with the new 3-in-1 PAC 3810 S air conditioning unit. Doubly cool, in fact, as the silver style provides additional top class cooling: It’s easy on the eye as well! A high-end look and feel and convenient cooling options – enjoy innovative air conditioning from an all-rounder that fits in seamlessly with your interior design.

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TVE 16 / TVE 18 S Pedestal fans: ban the sweltering heat from your ice cold house – available again from tomorrow

If you are not allowed to be outside for longer than absolutely necessary, it should at least be nice and cool inside. This is no problem for the identical TVE 16 / TVE 18 S pedestal fans: they banish heat from your home and come in either an elegant white or attractive black design. The two pedestal fans are now finally back in stock. Ready to go with a flick of the wrist and flexible to use, you can enjoy a natural cooling breeze on your skin at a moment’s notice.

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Trotec practical knowledge: dry office air leads to dry eyes and mucous membranes – professional air humidification helps

Excessively dry office air is the biggest enemy for a healthy office climate. Every employee knows the consequences: Irritated and reddened eyes that itch and sometimes even burn. Unpleasantly dry skin. Dried mucous membranes, which then amount to entry gates, sitting wide open for germs and infections of all kinds. This is because as the humidity drops, the removal of microorganisms and viruses in the mucous membranes decreases given the drying out of the cilia, meaning they can no longer perform their cleansing function.

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Trotec practical knowledge: saves a visit to the pharmacy when your eyes are dry – professional air humidification from Trotec

Your eye itches and burns mainly in the office and is reddened? Instead of simply getting eye drops from the pharmacy over and over again, it is better to visit an eye doctor. Because irritated eyes have their reasons. Often they are relatively simple: When working in front of the monitor, we blink less, which reduces the supply of moisture to the eyes. And the dry air in the office additionally tears up the tear film in the eyes. But there are two solutions for this …

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Studies prove how rapidly the corona virus spreads through the air in open-plan offices! Trotec can tell you which air-purifying preventive measures you need to take to protect your employees!

The corona virus is spreading at a rapid pace! Almost every country in the world is now affected by the pandemic with more and more reports of new infections every day. A recent incident in Seoul shows just how quickly the dangerous corona virus can spread through the air in the workplace.

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Trotec practical knowledge: Dry office air puts contact lenses on dry land – professional air humidification helps to combat this

Often contact lens wearers in particular have to struggle with irritated eyes in the office. Because if the contact lens does not float on the tear film as it normally does, but lies directly on the cornea, the eye quickly becomes irritated. The reason for this is relatively simple: We blink less during screen work, which inhibits the supply of moisture, and then the dry air in the office tears open the tear film. There are two solutions for this: One is to consciously blink. And one using professional humidifiers from Trotec.

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