Extends the operating time and service life of forklift trucks – mobile air cleaner TAC 6500 with flexible filter system

Anyone who relies on the use of forklift trucks for transport and the handling of goods in production halls and warehouses will rather curious to hear the gentle purring of these agile machines. But driving back and forth leaves its traces of course: whirled up dirt and dust, especially the fine dust of your own tire abrasion, can damage the electric drive of the forklift and considerably shorten its service life. The solution: the extremely powerful TAC 6500 professional air cleaner reliably ensures effective air cleaning even of large air treatment areas.

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TVE 9 table fan: as refreshing as natural wind – and finally back in stock from tomorrow

Although we will probably also be cooped up at home all summer long, we should at least get a breath of fresh air. The TVE 9 table fan, which is finally available again, is a cost-effective solution.  Pleasant cooling in your home without assembly effort: Simply set up the device, plug in the network cable and enjoy the kick of freshness in the direct vicinity at the touch of a button. Now all you need is a big ice cream – and it’s as good as being on the beach. Well, almost as good.

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We have it in writing! Our medically usable oronasal masks have been tested in European test laboratories and are approved for the medical sector thanks to their great performance of their filters.

High-quality breathing masks and nose/mouth masks are still in short supply in the current corona crisis! Although there is a wide variety of respiratory protection, FFP, face, hygiene and operating theatre masks on the market, these differ not only in price, but also very decisively in quality and filter performance!

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NEW PAE 22 design air cooler: can be used all year round – thanks to cooling, ventilation, humidification in one unit

There is more than a hint of this: The coming weeks and months will be hot! Very, very hot! And we will probably be forced to sit out the majority of this time at home. In hot and sticky air. Air that won’t budge an inch even with the windows opened wide. Do we want to put up with this without a fight? And allow a sweaty surrender of our four walls and our astral bodies to boot? Or would you rather keep a cool head thanks to the elegant PAE 22 design air cooler? At home and at the office too? Well there you go!

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What you really need to know: The 4-point check for ascertaining inferior mouth-nose masks without any protective effect

The corona pandemic has been accompanied by a worldwide rise in fraud and criminal activities associated with the trade in respiratory protection masks. The media have been reporting on a daily basis about the sale of confiscated protective masks – sometimes with fake certificates, in inferior quality and frequently manufactured under horrendously unhygienic conditions. In no way do these products involve masks offered for sale clandestinely on some shady black market. According to a report published in Den Haag by the European police authority Europol, criminals and organised gangs have rapidly adapted their methods. The fake masks have consequently found their way into normal commerce – even via official channels.

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TTK 28 E Comfort dehumidifier: The top dryer for small rooms is back – and finally available again!

The TTK 28 E dehumidifier is back and finally available again and is taking back the top spot when it comes to dryers especially designed for small, heated rooms. As it’s so small, it fits anywhere. It’s so light that it can be used flexibly anywhere. It’s so well equipped that it can fulfil every requirement. Thanks to its compact dimensions, this dehumidifier finds a place for itself to carry out its drying work in even the smallest of rooms.

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Coronavirus: Corona-Virus: A self-sewn makeshift mouth-and-nose protector – very beautiful, very colourful and very, very impractical

At first glance it looks ingeniously simple: just sew those missing everyday masks yourself, choose your own colour, choose your design – and off you go! At second glance, reality clouds an all too rosy view: Wash, wash, wash again and do it at 90°C. Or boil it in water on the stove for 5 minutes. Before the first use. And before each new use. Because otherwise every mask really becomes a veritable virus spinner. But daily washing uses a lot of electricity – and in the long run it will also become quite expensive.

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Trotec practical knowledge: instead of eye drops, it’s better to use professional air humidification

Those who work in an office usually know about the problem of constantly irritated eyes. This has led to a type of inflationary use of eye drops. However, not all eye drops are suitable for symptom relief. If they contain preservatives, for example, the problem can become even worse. And in the case of eye drops for reddened eyes, the active ingredient is broken down after a short time, the blood circulation in the eye increases again and it continues to dry out. Why don’t we just get to the root of the problem? With often excessively dry office air?

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Trotec practical knowledge: dry office air makes for dry eyes – professional air humidification helps

Office folk are often all too familiar with the problem of endlessly irritated eyes. When your eyes have too little tear fluid, they become excessively dry, they itch, they burn and they become red. We’re well aware of the reasons for this: on the one hand, long periods of working at a computer screen suppress the closing of the eyelids, akin to a reflex, thus inhibiting the supply of moisture. Conscious blinking, on the one hand, does help. On the other hand, office air that is often excessively dry causes the tear film to evaporate more quickly. A professional humidifier – from Trotec – helps to combat this!

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Trotec advisor: Protection for the mouth and nose is not harmful in any way – despite rumours to the contrary

Mouth-nose protection helps to further reduce the general infection risk from coronavirus. Consequently, almost all virologists, epidemiologists and medical hygiene professionals, the federal government and all state premiers have clearly and emphatically recommended wearing face masks. Despite this, rumours have been circulating about the health risks associated with masks: Does mouth protection make you tired quickly? Doesn’t it increase the concentration of CO2 in the blood? Isn’t it dangerous for children? The Trotec Advisor has answers to these questions – and Trotec has the solutions for effective mouth-nose protection.

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