Design air cooler PAE 50: comfortable 4-in-1 air cooler with IF Design Award 2018 – available again

The PAE 50 designer air cooler, which is finally available again, cuts a ravishingly good figure in hot everyday office life as well as in the overheated home. It was awarded the renowned IF Design Award 2018 for its beautiful design and Trotec’s brand quality guarantees its inner values. With the comfortable 4-in-1-air cooler you can benefit from pleasant air cooling, invigorating air refreshment, beneficial air humidification and effective air cleaning based on the ionisation principle – and from a reduced risk of virus transmission when the air humidity is raised to 50%!

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We are now making our homes better with powerful garden pumps and efficient domestic water supply systems

At the moment, many people with gardens and houses are relaxing to the max on their patios. But soon trees and bushes will need to be watered again every day. Many people will then start looking back on last summer, on the extensive watering and increasing water costs. Isn’t it advisable to use free service water? Even for your house too! All you need is a pond or fountain or a cistern – as well as a garden pump or domestic water supply systems. And where can you get both of these in professional brand quality?


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Coronavirus: A-level exams – Air humidification reduces the risk of infection

 The dates for this year’s A-level exams are under scrutiny nationwide. In North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, the decision has been taken to postpone the examinations for the almost 90,000 students by three weeks to May 12. Even the greatest optimists are unlikely to believe that the corona virus could be defeated by then. But the aim will be to reduce the risk of infection during the written and oral examination phases. And professional air humidification is demonstrably one of the best ways of doing this.

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The PAC 2610 E Air conditioner: cool & fresh innovation in technology and design – finally available again

Robust design envelops comfortable technology. Super compact. Super cool. Above all, finally available again, because the PAC 2610 E air conditioner was one of the most sought-after chillers in the last hot summer. No wonder, since the 3-in-1 unit always offers the optimum solution for cooling, ventilation and dehumidification. And thanks to its large cooling capacity of 2.6 kW, its automatic fan and its three-stage ventilation function, it keeps every room reliably cool even in very hot weather – at the touch of a button!

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Coronavirus: TAC air purifiers hold back contaminated room air with negative pressure – in single insulated rooms or large accommodation such as makeshift hospitals

The administration of Singapore, a metropolis of millions, had long been aware that one day a worldwide pandemic such as the corona virus would strike. Accordingly, the city-state prepared itself meticulously for Day X. For example, it accommodates the infected people in single isolation rooms with an entrance lock. Here, negative pressure and special filters prevent contaminated air from escaping to the outside. We also offer this effective elimination of almost any risk of infection – with our TAC air purifiers in combination with H14 filters.

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Relieve hospitals, doctors’ surgeries and health authorities – with mobile test stations and drive-through solutions for corona tests

The global corona pandemic is the dominant topic of the day. The ultimate goal of all measures adopted is to contain the direct infections from person to person and the associated reduction of the daily growing number of cases of new infections. An effective means of achieving this is testing, testing and testing again. This is the only way to detect and interrupt potential chains of infection early on. Even if, according to the German Association of Laboratory Doctors, comprehensive testing is desirable, they also describe it as illusory. Because the necessary test materials are simply not available.

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Temporary swab facilities for the investigation of suspected corona cases for temporary on-site use and a quick move to the next location

For a long time now, a wide range of measures have been taken in almost every country in the world to protect the population and prevent the further spread of the corona pandemic. People with symptoms typical of corona should therefore not simply go to their family doctor or hospital, but visit the nearest corona test centre by telephone.

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Coronavirus: Air humidification reduces the risk of infection in temporary quarantine stations or makeshift hospitals

In order to counter the escalating risk of infection from corona viruses, temporary quarantine stations or makeshift hospitals are currently being set up everywhere in gymnasiums or barracks: whether for people entering from high-risk areas at the national borders, in asylum seekers’ and refugees’ accommodation or in individual communities, in order to enforce quarantine regulations by force and to relieve the burden on hospitals, outpatient clinics or general practitioners. As a result, it is precisely these facilities that become hotspots for a possible virus infection. A professional air humidification of 50 % effectively reduces this risk.

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NEW Design-Air cooler PAE 29: all year round 3-in-1 air cooler – for cooling, ventilation, humidification

Slim! Elegant! Stylish look in black and white! So the next hot summer can come. And also the next winter. Because with the new 3-in-1-Design-Air cooler PAE 29 you can enjoy the combination of fresh fan wind and natural evaporative cooling during the hot months. In the cold months you use it to create a pleasant room climate. Because dry heating air irritates the respiratory tract, dries out the skin and reddens the eyes. And did you know that at an air humidity of 50 % the risk of infection with viruses is also significantly reduced?

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Corona virus: germ-free room air in retirement and nursing homes thanks to Trotec humidifiersCorona virus: germ-free room air in retirement and nursing homes thanks to Trotec humidifiers

Managers of retirement and nursing homes are well aware of the particular danger to the elderly and those in need of care from poor or even contaminated indoor air. Because dangerous pathogens are often located in the respiratory tract or throat and are passed on through the air by tiny saliva droplets when coughing or sneezing. Studies have shown that coughed up SARS-CoV-2 viruses remain in the air for up to 3 hours. You can find out why an air humidity of over 40% kills the flu, cold and corona viruses within minutes on our homepage under ‘Applications‘.

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