Why can winter worsen the corona pandemic?

The dreaded second corona virus wave has arrived just in time for the beginning of the cold season. Since the start of the pandemic epidemiologists and virologists have been warning us of the effect winter can have, whereby the cold weather outside keeps people in their homes, spreading the virus more and more indoors in closed rooms. For example, after analysing contact tracing, a study by Japanese researchers found that people that people are 19 times more likely to become infected indoors than outdoors.

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Corona Virus: Air humidification reduces the propagation risk by 50 % – in hospitals and at home

Medical specialists know how we can reduce the propagation risk of coronavirus until a vaccine is made available. This is because the new coronavirus is closely related to the familiar SARS virus, which is why laboratories were also quickly able to develop tests for its detection. Just as helpful are the research results on the resistance of SARS viruses to air humidity and temperature. These show us the transmission pattern of these dangerous virus strains – and what we can do about it.

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