Healthy protection in daycare centres and schools

LuftbefeuchterEspecially in daycare centres and schools, where rooms are shared by many children for hours at a time, illnesses can spread rapidly. Often the little ones’ ability to concentrate is not very good either. The cause often lies in the air, in the truest sense of the word. Often the air in the group rooms and classrooms is particularly stuffy and dry. And this makes playing and learning hard for the children. They are more susceptible to illnesses and the oxygen in their blood is transported more slowly. Therefore, the staff in daycare centres and schools should make sure that the rooms are equipped with additional technology that allows for an optimal air humidity. Trotec offers various humidifiers and airwashers that generate the ideal climate at the push of a button. So parents can bring their children to the daycare centres or schools and be at ease.

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Good sound requires proper care


Music instruments that are completely or partly produced from wood react to the humidity in the air. Stringed instruments, pianos, guitars and similar items suffer in particular, when the surrounding air is dry. They become warped and are rendered brittle and fragile. This is because the moisture is drained from the wood. Are you a lover of musical instruments? Or are you responsible for managing an entire storage room of instruments and maintaining them? Then protect your valuable items by providing them with the environmental conditions that they need – with the evaporation humidifiers from Trotec.

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Elastic yarn


Yarn and cloth need to be supple. Which is why adequate climate control is particularly essential in production halls in the textile industry. A constant air humidity will secure manufacturing productivity and the quality of the materials.  Because if the ambient air is too dry, the textile will contract and the yarn will quickly become brittle. Trotec’s evaporation humidifiers are the ideal way of preventing this from happening. For these top quality, modern units guarantee an ideal production climate.

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Amazing growth


Plants which originate from tropical regions require optimum climatic conditions to grow perfectly. Alongside temperature, air humidity is the most important factor for plant growth. Greenhouses and palm houses must therefore be equipped accordingly to ensure the exotic plants do not die. The evaporation humidifiers from Trotec will create the climate your tropical plants need to grow and flourish. When you are dealing with something extraordinary, they are the perfect partner for your green thumbs.

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Amazing growth

Amazing growth

Plants which originate from tropical regions require optimum climatic conditions to grow perfectly. Alongside temperature, air humidity is the most important factor for plant growth. Greenhouses and palm houses must therefore be equipped accordingly to ensure the exotic plants do not die. The evaporation humidifiers from Trotec will create the climate your tropical plants need to grow and flourish. When you are dealing with something extraordinary, they are the perfect partner for your green thumbs.

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Keep it fresh

Luftbefeuchter Obst und Gemüse

Customers love it when the apples you display are crisp and crunchy, as though just been plucked from the tree. And who’s not tempted by plump, juicy strawberries shining in their punnets? Or by cucumbers, peppers and other vegetables, arranged invitingly on the shop shelves.

But the longer fruit and vegetables are away from the cold store, the quicker they lose their freshness. This is because they lose moisture. But you can prevent this. As well as keeping the temperature down in the fresh goods department, you should use an air dehumidifier. With Trotec’s mobile evaporation humidifiers your goods will remain fresh and crisp far longer.

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Best climate, healthy sleep!

Fresh air, healthy sleep

Fresh air, healthy sleep: The formula is easy when comes to proper sleep. However, quickly airing out the room before bedtime often doesn’t help much. And damp towels which are left hanging over radiators influence the air conditions in the bedroom only for a short time.

Using an evaporation humidifier from Trotec ensures your hours of recuperation are pleasant. That’s because these mobile devices automatically regulate the air humidity and offer you an optimal sleeping climate – throughout the whole night.

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Always the ideal humidity – with the mobile humidifier B 400


In closed, heated rooms the relative humidity can quickly fall below the optimum value of 45 to 55 per cent. Especially in winter, when all windows are closed and the heating runs all day the air becomes dry. We notice that because of a dry mouth and a dry nose. Instead of opening the window and let the cold winter air in we have a much better solution for you: the humidifier B 400!

When it is cold outside we want it to be warm inside – a little bit of luxury. Especially, because the energy costs constantly rise we rarely ventilate. We want to keep the warm air inside but where to put the warm, dry air? From a relative humidity of 45 per cent and below our mucous membranes and our mouth becomes dry. Nevertheless, you don’t have to freeze because the hygrostat-controlled humidifier B 400 ensures that there is always the right humidity. Read More

Does heating air also make your eyes dry and irritated?

dry sore eyes

Are you happy with your job? If you’re a fire fighter, a member of the clergy or, funnily enough, a teacher, then according to a national survey carried out by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago you’re among the 47 or so percent of the working population who like their job and who therefore, because of the impact that work has on our sense of self-worth and identity, generally lead a happier life. I am none of the above, yet I still consider myself to be even more fortunate than even the 87 percent of those men and women of the cloth for whom work is not just an endless toil that brings little or no job satisfaction but something which makes them feel that they have a purpose in life. I enjoy writing, I enjoy working as part of a highly-motivated and creative team and I enjoy rising to new challenges and achieving the goals that we have been set and that I also like to set myself.

What I don’t like are some rather irritating and annoying side effects: Because I spend so much time working in an office and sitting in front of a computer, I often suffer from eye irritation.

My eyes are dry and reddened and sometimes they sting. The situation only gets worse in the wintertime when humidity levels in the office start to dip because of the dry central heating air, which, incidentally, is also a major cause of colds because it dries out the mucous membranes in the mouth, throat and nose thereby making you much more susceptible to infections and viruses and therefore the common cold.

So what can we do to counteract these very unpleasant side effects which office life invariably brings with it? Read More

Play It Again, Sam!

Protect Your Prized Piano with climate control by Trotec

A piano – be it an upright piano or a grand piano, a Steinway or a Yamaha – is often the most prized possession and most highly-valued musical instrument in hundreds of thousands if not millions of homes and households. Pianos, and piano music, are extremely popular all over the world. Which other instrument, apart from perhaps an exquisitely-tuned violin, is able to capture the hearts of those listening and strike the chords that touch the soul and move and uplift the listener to higher spheres, or drag them down – deep, deep, down – into the darker realms of despondency, grief and gloom?

So why then do so many people who own such a beautiful instrument not look after their valuable possessions the way they ought to?

Wood is full of life. It has a history, a story to tell and it still lives on long after the wood that has been hand-picked by experienced and dedicated piano makers has been crafted into a fine musical instrument. Wood, as we all know, reacts very strongly to its surrounding conditions. It can contract and expand – and even crack and tear apart – depending on how moist or dry the air that surrounds it is. That’s why it is so important that you spend enough time selecting the right place for such a skillfully mastered instrument. And it’s not just the acoustics you should be focusing on – on the contrary, the right place for your piano is the room, chamber or parlour where the relative humidity and the temperature are evenly balanced and within certain limits. Strongly fluctuating temperatures or humidity levels that are too high or too low can not only put your piano out of tune, they can literally ruin your masterpiece making costly repairs necessary or even rendering it worthless.

So what can be done to ensure that the relative humidity remains within certain limits and the temperature does not drop below or exceed certain thresholds?

Dehumidifiers are highly sophisticated and highly effective pieces of equipment which are designed to monitor and regulate the relative humidity in your home, workplace or office so as to provide you with just the right amount of humidity that you need. Depending on their size and the application which they have been built for, dehumidifiers can extract up to 20 litres of moisture from the surrounding air in just one single day. This means that they are easily able to reduce high moisture levels that could otherwise cause the wood of your piano to swell up or split and maintain a desired indoor climate with a relative humidity that lies ideally between 50 and 65%.

If, on the other hand, the air in the room is not too moist but far too dry, then you need to be able to rely on a humidifier to prevent you the wood of you piano from cracking to the point that it is beyond repair. A humidifier increases the moisture in the air, but only as much as you would like and enough to create a pleasant indoor climate and an overall sense of well-being.

The right temperature also plays a vital role regarding the position of your piano. Make sure that it is not too close to any heat sources like a radiator for example, and that your room thermostat is set to between 15 C and 24 C. You will also need to provide for some form of insulation if you have underfloor heating and be careful to keep it away from cold spots and draughts.

There are some people who say that a piano is as sensitive as a human being. They think that you should never keep your piano in a climate which you yourself would not feel comfortable in. You may of course not wish to leave anything to chance and therefore decide to use a piece of professional measuring equipment to check that the temperature and the relative humidity are at the right levels. A thermohygrometer is such a professional, high-precision device. It is practically two devices rolled into one. And it is robust, reliable and very reasonably priced.

Perhaps not quite as valuable as your average piano, but it does do its job just as well.