Sustainable protection against infection for refugees in initial reception facilities and emergency shelters TAC XT – Combined H14 Hepa room air purification and room air heating

With the growing number of refugees arriving from Ukraine, there are more and more reports that many initial reception centres are not prepared for the steadily increasing flow of refugees. There are reports of long queues in front of the central arrival point for refugees from Ukraine. Incoming refugees, mainly women and children, are having to stand outside in the cold. There are no blankets for those waiting. It is unacceptable that children and women already suffering the hardships of the escape from their country have to wait for hours in the cold. Politicians are calling for heated waiting tents or the like to be installed immediately. To make matters worse, we know that a large number of refugees who are coming to us now have Covid. The vaccination rate in Ukraine was low. It is to be feared that the number of infections in other countries will increase again due to the entry of many refugees. Therefore it is important to pay more attention to the topic of “Corona among refugees”.

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