Five tips for a feel-good autumn

Tipps für diesen HerbstAs the days grow shorter and the summer heat yields to the cool embrace of autumn sun and crisp air, the desire for a cosy home, warming drinks on the terrace and leisurely walks with loved ones begins to stir. This prelude to the year-end rush offers an opportunity to tackle long-delayed jobs, embrace practicality and savour the season. Here are five tips to help you make the most of a delightful and relaxing autumn, and we extend our warmest wishes for a beautiful season ahead!

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Quickly complete construction and repair work – with the compact PowerTools from Trotec

In the course of this renovation series, we have installed sockets, overcome steel walls with our hammer drills, done a lot of sawing and sanded away everything that was not on the roof or in the cellar at three. But there is still a lot to do in this last section: after all, the self-cut shelves still have to be dowelled to the wall. And some of the cupboards that have been dismantled also need to be put together. That’s why we get absolute specialists on board – or rather from our PowerTool range: the professional cordless screwdrivers and drill drivers from the PSCS series.

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‘’The façade needs to be repainted!’’ – Tips for the perfect façade design

That was quicker than we thought. In our renovation series, we are already turning into the home stretch. But before we get there, let’s take a look at our house façade and/or balcony walls. Don’t they need a new coat of paint? And isn’t the plaster quietly trickling away in one place or another? Because painting a plaster façade is much more demanding than painting the interior walls, we explain how it can be done best and in the fastest way. Find out what preparatory work is necessary and how long the plaster has to dry before painting can even be considered.

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Are you allergic to pollen? We have 9 tips on how to survive the current pollen season, plus our super tip – the air purifiers from the AirgoClean® series

Sounds harmless, but it isn’t: hay fever. This allergic reaction of the body to plant pollen is accompanied by sneezing fits, itching, runny nose and watery eyes, sometimes making life hell for those affected. And pollen allergies are not to be trifled with. For pollen allergy sufferers, harmless hay fever can turn into chronic asthma over the years. That’s why today you can read our 10 tips on how to get through the current stressful time in a better way – including our ultimate recommendation on how to put an end to the pollen nuisance once and for all, at least at home or even in the office: with the air purifiers from the AirgoClean® series.

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Trotec practical knowledge – Tips for a better indoor climate 7/7

Sophisticated plants are every ambitious interior decorator’s insider tip as they make flats and houses look more ‘furnished’ and much cosier. And experts know that green indoor plants not only have a decorative effect, but also have a positive influence on the indoor climate. Because they not only provide oxygen and humidification, but are also natural air purifiers that can even bind pollutants. In return, they only require water and sufficient light, which you can easily check with the Luxmeter BF06 from Trotec. In the last part of our practical knowledge series, you will learn how we can benefit from the great properties of the plant world for a better indoor climate.

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Trotec practical knowledge – Tips for a better indoor climate 6/7

“Woahh, the air is thick in here!” Most of us will have heard this exclamation at some point – or exclaim it ourselves from time to time. For example, because of the smell of cooked food that lingers in our flats for hours despite leaving the windows open. Or because of chemicals evaporating, or the musty smell of mould. While most odours do not usually cause health problems, they can cause nausea. That’s why, in this practical knowledge series, we will give you the necessary tips to help you remove those pesky stinkers from your house and flat.

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Trotec practical knowledge – Tips for a better indoor climate 5/7

Did you know that mould forms carcinogenic toxins and has long been identified as the cause of serious allergies? An insidious enemy, then, of whose existence within their own four walls many of those affected have no idea. Because mould often nests secretly without revealing itself immediately. In the early stages, for example it hardly smells and prefers to hide behind cupboards. This is why the search for the unwanted lodger does not begin until after the initial health issues have begun.

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Trotec practical knowledge: Tips for a better indoor climate 4/7 – How to prevent excessive indoor humidity

In the last part of our Trotec practical knowledge series we discussed the dangers of very low air humidity. But the opposite, very high humidity with values above 60 percent also poses considerable health risks. Because if too much humid air circulates in the apartment, the basic requirement for strong growth of health-threatening mould is fulfilled. Hidden in the farthest corner or behind cupboards, mould soon takes on a lively life of its own. But where does the excess moisture actually come from? And what is the most elegant way to get rid of the excess?

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Trotec practical knowledge: Tips for a better indoor climate 3/7 – How to avoid dry indoor air and reduce corona infection risks

In the last few weeks, winter has once again made us feel what ‘really cold’ means. Many people at home have turned the heating knobs all the way to the left – and are now suffering from the consequences of dry heating air. It dries out our mucous membranes, reduces their cleansing function and creates an ideal habitat for viruses. It also causes undesirable effects such dry nose and irritated eyes, as well as coughs, colds and sore throats. Because low humidity also increases the lifetime of infectious corona aerosols in the room air, there is virtually every reason to humidify the air as much as possible in the future.

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Trotec practical knowledge: Tips for a better indoor climate 2/7 – How to ventilate your room correctly and sustainably

Rarely has there been so much talk about ‘ventilation’ as in the past and current year. No wonder, since the exchange of air in rooms was and still is considered a tried and tested means against potential corona virus load caused by infectious aerosols. So far, there is no measuring device that is able to prove the contamination of indoor air by SARS-CoV-2. However, it is possible to determine a necessary ventilation interval via the ‘detour’ of a permanent measurement of CO2 values. Because the more people are in living rooms, office spaces, production rooms, schools and daycare centres, the more the exhaled carbon dioxide level increases – to the point of a CO2 alarm: time to open all the windows!

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