Coronavirus: Risk of infection increases with dry office air – Tips for optimum humidity

Anyone who does not work at from home in home office and still has to go to the office, should reduce the increased risk of infection by corona viruses. It is important to know that a humidity level of just 50% significantly reduces the risk of inhaling viruses that have been coughed up. The following tips on optimum air humidity will show you how you can precisely determine the relative humidity of the air, how you can successfully protect yourself against infection and why you should keep an eye on the room temperature.

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Coronavirus: Risk of infection depending on weather and humidity?

Just in time before the temperatures fall again, the German Weather Service (the DWD) explains the connection between the cold season and decreasing air humidity. Because warmer air can absorb significantly more water vapour than cold air, say DWD meteorologists, the absolute humidity in the winter months is significantly lower than in summer. However, according to scientific findings, excessively dry air is one of the main reasons why more people become infected with viruses during the hotter months.

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Coronavirus: Destruction of viruses with hot air

In addition to the previously known measures for chemical disinfection by means of spray or wipe disinfection, there is also the rather less known but effective thermal disinfection. This is the thermal treatment of room air to inactivate viruses or disinfect surfaces. Here, the fact that viruses such as the influenza or corona virus (SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19) die within 15-30 minutes at temperatures of 56 °C is important.

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Common mistakes when using industrial pyrometers for temperature mass pre-screening?

In times of corona crisis, you can see at airports, train stations, supermarkets, public buildings or other access points where many people get their temperature checked every day before entering. This so-called mass screening to identify people with elevated temperatures also has the potential for errors, if not used correctly or with the right infrared thermometer.

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Coronavirus: well-tended mucous membranes are more resistant to germs and viruses that cause colds

Who has not asked themselves: Why does salt have to go into nasal rinsing?

What effect does it have on the mucous membranes? In answer to these questions and why humidifiers also have a positive effect to protect against viruses and germs, we would like to provide some explanation

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Coronavirus: Sterility of humidifiers in hospitals and offices thanks to SecoSan

The corona virus also lurks treacherously where people are waiting for help – in the waiting rooms of doctors’ surgeries and hospitals. But also in the still open offices of the authorities and in open-plan offices. Here as there, there are a reasonably large number of humidifiers that significantly reduce the risk of inhaling viruses that have been coughed up. In order to prevent the water tanks of these devices from being contaminated, a SecoSan® stick should be added to each of them. This keeps the water fresh as on the first day – and above all germ-free!

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Coronavirus: ‘filtered away’ – thanks to the new H 14 class high-performance filter for all professional air cleaners of our TAC series

Class H 14 HEPA high performance filters filter the coronavirus effectively! That’s the good news, which lets every pro breathe a literal sigh of relief. This is because these high-performance filters eliminate particles larger than 0.1 µm – so that the 0.12 to 0.16 µm coronavirus doesn’t stand a chance. This is especially true since this virus does not float through the air by itself, but as a significantly larger droplet aerosol. Best of all: the H14 filters will soon be available for all TAC series air purifiers. Read More

Coronavirus: Reduce your risk of infection by optimising air humidity

Prevent contracting the coronavirus! That’s the watchword here because only by extending the time frame will our hospitals be able to help the large number of patients predicted to be hit by the wave of infection. But the risk of infection increases with increasing dwell time wherever many people spend long periods of time in rooms. That’s why it’s good to know: 50% humidity reduces the risk of inhaling coughed out viruses, which, like the coronavirus, are responsible for respiratory diseases.

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Coronavirus: Respiratory diseases are exacerbated by low air humidity Respiratory diseases are home-grown

The symptoms caused by the new corona virus Sars-CoV-2 are called ‘Covid-19’. This is a disease of the respiratory tract, one of the most frequent causes of incapacity to work even before the appearance of this new type of virus. Particularly in winter, there is an increased incidence of respiratory tract infections. Because although studies show that the lifespan of viruses, their spread and the immune system all directly depend on the humidity of the air, many buildings and offices are much too dry, especially in winter.

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Coronavirus: Corona virus: Increase your body’s own immune defences through high humidity

With the corona virus, handshakes, snuggles and stolen kisses are all out the window. Meticulous and persistent hand washing as well as sneezing or coughing in the crook of your arm are, of course, a must. But we can do much more by strengthening our body’s defence against the virus to the best of our ability.  In addition, numerous current research results document how effective this defence against infection depends on optimum humidity.

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