Coronavirus: Render viruses harmless with the optimum air humidity

Cold and dry air are ideal conditions for many viruses. The warmer it gets, the more difficult it is for the corona virus to survive – because it is surrounded by a lipid layer. A fat layer that is not particularly heat-resistant, giving rise to justified hopes that the virus does not tolerate rising summer temperatures well. But we know exactly what viruses that cause respiratory diseases, like corona, are responsible for the immediate knock-out:  A humidity of 50 % is deadly for these viruses and for bacteria!

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Coronavirus: Professional ozone applications can effectively decontaminate surfaces

The new coronavirus poses many unresolved questions to medical science. Thus, how long the coronavirus remains infectious on surfaces is still unknown. In the case of the similar SARS virus from 2002/2003, it was possible to determine its contagiousness even after about 96 hours. But something else is quite similar: At that time, ozone gas was effectively used against the SARS viruses! And most likely the surfaces infected with today’s SARS-CoV-2 virus can be effectively disinfected with ozone as well.

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Heating solutions for commercial use: Calculating the required heat output

What kind of heat output do you need for your rooms? You can determine that simply and conveniently with the help of out heat output calculator. And the best thing is: only very little information is required – such as specifying the room volume, the expected temperature difference and how well the room or building is insulated. In order for you to be able to retrace the calculation yourself, all the relevant aspects on calculating heat output are listed below.

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Corona Virus: Air humidification reduces the propagation risk by 50 % – in hospitals and at home

Medical specialists know how we can reduce the propagation risk of coronavirus until a vaccine is made available. This is because the new coronavirus is closely related to the familiar SARS virus, which is why laboratories were also quickly able to develop tests for its detection. Just as helpful are the research results on the resistance of SARS viruses to air humidity and temperature. These show us the transmission pattern of these dangerous virus strains – and what we can do about it.

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Heating solutions for commercial use: Accessories for heaters outside the home

Often oil heaters with over 100 kW output are placed outdoors in front of the building to be heated because of their size. But whether you are ventilating, heating, drying, air conditioning or suctioning – every unit is always only as efficient as the weakest member of the chain of the components used.  Therefore, even when you are selecting accessories, such as air routing systems and storage containers for example, you should accept no compromises, but instead also place your trust in the tried and tested brand quality from Trotec.

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Heating solutions for commercial use: HEATBOX – enjoy energy savings of up to 70%!

Electric heaters are a good choice for heating marquees, trade fair pavilions or temporary accommodations, as they work noiselessly and without generating combustion exhaust gases. But the fresh air permanently supplied from outside, which is absolutely necessary for a comfortable indoor climate, is cold and must be heated up. That consumes a lot of energy – and, depending on the electricity rate, makes heating undesirably expensive.   With the HEATBOX from Trotec you save up to 70% of the energy used. And it does it without magic, but thanks to applied physics.

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Heating solutions for commercial use: Quick comparison

“Take out your exercise books: now we’re going to do a test!” Phew – isn’t it great to be reading a modern guidebook geared to sustainable learning through repetition? And one which instead of attracting unwanted attention with exam questions, neatly and systematically summarizes the above info for particularly inquisitive minds? The direct oil heater without chimney and the infrared oil heater, the gas heater and the indirect oil heater with chimney plus the electric heaters and the infrared radiant heaters. Now as a quick comparison!

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Heating solutions for commercial use: Infrared radiant heaters

The modern infrared radiators not only heat up their immediate environment quickly, but economically as well. Because they convert a large part of the energy they use into direct heat, IR radiators are particularly energy efficient. They are, precisely for this reason, perfectly suited as a standby heating solution.   They can be ideally used for commercial heating applications wherever isolated heat is needed immediately after being switched on – for example in construction site containers, workshops, warehouses or stables.

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Heating solutions for commercial use: Electrical hot air fans

Electric heaters are used across all industries – such as in construction projects, in marquees, warehouses and workshops, on ships, in switching stations, cattle sheds, garages and in temporary accommodations. In other words, anywhere you wouldn’t want to stand, let alone work, in the cold any longer than necessary.   Why electric heaters are so popular can be explained by their almost unlimited applicability. And the heating systems are safety, quickest and most convenient method for problem-free heat.

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Heating solutions for commercial use: Gas fan heaters

Gas fan heaters from Trotec offer an unbeatable price-performance ratio when it comes to effective immediate heating of well-ventilated construction sites, workshops, storage rooms, garages, stables, greenhouses or even covered outdoor areas, tents and camping applications. In doing so, it is important to ventilate all indoor spaces as well as possible, because gas fan heaters are one of the direct heating systems that do not have a chimney. We explain what you should therefore specifically pay attention to in the fourth part of  our Trotec ‘Heating’ guide.

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