Measure the air quality with the BZ25 CO2 air quality meter and the BZ30 CO2 air quality data logger for a pleasant climate
The climate at work must be good. On the one hand you have to get on well with your colleagues. On the other hand the room climate has to be good as well because we easily get distracted and slow when we don’t get enough oxygen. Often sentences are used like “The weather makes me tired”. Sometimes when there is a sudden drop in temperature or a rise in temperature that’s really the problem. Actually, in most cases it is because we don’t ventilate enough.
Not enough oxygen affects our brain power and, thus, our performance. A long-term lack of oxygen and a surplus of carbon dioxide can even harm your health. A CO2 concentration between 1,000 and 2,000 ppm already is conspicuous, a concentration of more than 2,000 ppm is considered unacceptable.
Especially your children need much oxygen
Of course, a low oxygen content affects the ability to concentrate of your children at school, too. They become restless and fretful, don’t sit still, are impatient and don’t take part in the lessons what, again, annoys the teacher. Therefore, especially in class rooms it is necessary to ventilate more often to increase both the performance of the pupils and of the teachers as well.
Additionally, regular ventilation is important to keep the performance at a constant level. But how often is regular? Especially when it is cold we don’t want to open the window to keep it warm inside. To know when it is time for some fresh air you can easily measure the air quality.
The BZ25 CO2 Air Quality Meter measures the air quality
Besides room temperature and humidity the BZ25 CO2 air quality meter also measures the CO2 concentration in the air and, of course, shows you when the value is too high. Even when you forget to keep an eye on the display the device warns you via alarm when the selectable threshold value is exceeded. So, you always know when it is time to let some fresh air in. At work the BZ25 ensures that you are more active and fresh. At school your kids can concentrate better and follow the lessons.
Documentation of the indoor air quality over longer periods with the BZ30
Do you want to record and document the carbon dioxide concentration over a longer time period? Then the BZ30 CO2 air quality data logger meets your needs. Additionally to the functions of the BZ25 it has a huge memory for 50,000 measuring values. You can even transfer the values to your computer via USB connection and evaluate them with the included analysis software. Thus, the BZ30 is a perfect combo measuring device for architects, experts, specialists and HVAC system engineers and builders. Furthermore, for a short time it can be used for mobile measuring operations.
You will find this data logger of the MultiMeasure Basic series in our collection shortly.
Not only increase your and you kid’s performance with the BZ25 or BZ30 but also and in particular your and your children’s health. A long-term increase of the CO2 concentration and a lack of oxygen can, especially for kids, result in considerable health damages.
Ventilate regularly! We show you when regular is.